Meet the co-founder

Johannes Kraus


Johannes is an ex health system operator who previously built an AI marketplace.

Who is Johannes

Obsession - As a former physical therapist, he experienced patients suffering and approaching him every day, unable to take care of themselves and without the possibility to properly follow their prevention. Since then, he put all his commitment and enthusiasm into changing our broken system as an entrepreneur. This is his third health startup focused on prevention!

Experience - He started by building an app for low back pain, enabling patients to diagnose and treat themselves. Then, to increase his business skills, he got a Master's in Management & Technology and started another company at the intersection of healthcare, AI, and insurance. After an early stage exit, he now wants to leverage his experience in AI and Health to increase people’s healthspan by making prevention easily accessible to everyone.

Beliefs and mission - He gets inspired by building things from scratch and working together with a team on a big vision. He belief that a one-stop-hub for prevention having patients at the center is missing and wants to make it a reality.


- Ex-Founder and Operations lead

- Built an AI marketplace for health insurance incorporated by Munich Re

- Built an app for preventive low back pain

- Originally a Physical Therapist, got another degree in Management & Technology from TUM